Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Salvage: Timber on the kent coast

'Welcome to Ramsgate' spelt out in timber on the beach in Ramsgate after 1,500 tonnes of the stuff washes up on shore from The Sinegorsk, Jan 2009, a cargo ship heading to Alexandria in Egypt from Oskarshamn in Sweden...

...the two pictures above are from the bbc, the mobile phone picture below was sent to me from my friend; Martin (from Margate) who managed to fill his car full of timber with the idea of making his children a new tree house. he had timber sticking 2ft out the front passengers window and right out the back...

...which made me remember this; a fantastic beach hut that students built out of timber salvaged from the 'Kodima'. The vessel lost half her cargo after she run aground off Whitsand Bay in east Cornwall in gales in February 2008.
...which made me think that its time to think about a tree house for my new nephew (Dylan) ...watch this space this summer.

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