Friday, 2 April 2010

New Installation at Liberty, London for Ally Capellino

a new installation at liberty -main stairwell. a rather hard brief due to no use of ladders or power tools, no screw hole fixings to the listed oak interior and almost no budget. but still a great honour to behold -such a great place to work in. i'll update pictures of the final piece asap. thank you to Polly Benford and Veyes Tse who helped until 4am.
this job is to promote a very special limited edition bag that ally has designed using a classic liberty print in the lining and also to promote the new retrospective exhibition '30 years of Ally Capellino' at the Wapping Project this April (-also designed/constructed by myself). i designed a site specific piece that runs from the mens lower ground floor up to the ladies top floor. 30 shock cord strands represent the 30 years respectfully piercing through the liberty interior. work in progress photos below...

1 comment:

  1. white looks good - lotta strings. thanks rupert. xa
