Friday, 16 March 2012

Bruno Besagni horse lamps

i have found a few of these painted plaster horse lamps over the years but never really knew much about them. the one above is from my own collection but it has been on loan to Time Based Arts at Shoreditch Town Hall while i restore one for them. i bought my first one about ten years ago in the old Coppermill indoor market just off Brick Lane (now knocked down).
a few months back, while searching through Spitalfields Life i found these pictures...'s Bruno Besagni!
the original maker - he should put them back into production as i can't find them fast enough.
amazing to read about him and find out that this design that i have loved for so long was made in East London. you can read more about Bruno on Spitalfields Life HERE.
 Bruno at work
above: Polly working hard in her studio carefully restoring a very chipped up horse lamp to be delivered to Time Based Arts soon
 above: a couple of winners.
the shade on the left is not original to the lamp base, its a 50s american shade.
interesting how the same lamp can be found in different states of decoration - the one on the right has much more detail with a lot more care taken over the paintwork
 above: the rear of the lamp with the 'BB' Bruno Besagni makers mark and reg'design number
what a beauty

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