Monday, 7 September 2015

BBC1 Money for Nothing

a couple of old ladders in the workshop
I'm going to be on 6 episodes of a brand new BBC1 TV show starting today at 15.45 Money for Nothing. It was a lot of fun making the show, being thrown in at the deep end working with a random selection of things that people throw away. I really enjoyed not knowing what items i would be working with and although they weren't objects that i would normally choose to work with they were all being saved from landfill so the idea hit home with my processes.
The presenter Sarah catches an object just before it's being thrown into the tip, takes it to a designer/maker to remake into something new to be sold with any profit made returning to the person throwing the item away in the first place, waste not want not!
Thank you to Sarah Moore and everyone at Friel Kean Films for this great project, I look forward to seeing the results in the coming weeks, everyday at 15.45 on BBC1.
I'll post some before & after pictures here and on twitter @rupertblanchard of the pieces I've made after the show airs.

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