Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Michael Marriott's Wedding

Collection of Chairs; Michael Marriott's wedding reception, last year a local shop owner and all-round nice person; Leila McAlister asked to use some of my collection of chairs to use at the wedding reception along with Michael's own collection and a number of Martino Gamper's 100 chairs in 100 days collection and many, many others. the end result was fantastic, this photo is only a smaller section of the event - the most personal and 'fitting' reception for a client that i've ever seen.
Michael Marriott and Martino Gamper's work can be seen in the ‘inspirations collection’ specially commissioned by the conran shop.
i've donated loads of broken chairs and chair parts to Martino over the years and i hope that one day i'll be able to afford to buy a chair back.

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