Sunday, 8 March 2009

Homemade Chair Bench

Homemade Chair-bench spotted in Highworth nr. Swindon.
As I photographed this piece the owner came out of her bungalow to tell me that her husband made it out of two old kitchen chairs and some old oak floor boards painted gloss green. The lady told me that her home was full of items that he had 'recycled'. I wanted to make an offer for the piece but it seemed quite happy where it stood.
It reminded me of an early piece by artists Nina Beier and Marie Lund; a found/broken wooden chair sliced through the middle and joined back together with a couple of old wooden planks to accommodate 2 people instead of 1. Their design now sits in my friend, Makin Jan Ma's kitchen. I often try to steal it whenever I visit. I'll try to post a picture of Nina & Maries piece soon.

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