Wednesday 27 October 2010

Hand Made Tales at The Womens Library

I've been working for the past couple of weeks on a new exhibition of 'Women & Domestic Crafts' at The Womens Library for Julia Schüler at MUF Architects. The exhibition opens Wednesday 27th 6.30pm and continues for six months!
it's been a good project to work on, Julia gave me a lot of freedom working with her on the design and construction. The Womens Library main exhibition hall was a challenge due to the limitations on what you can and can not do and the large number of exhibits, often with unknown sizes and strict handling conditions did cause a few problems but its been a lot of fun working fast and finding solutions with a open minded client and as always - i've managed to cram in a ton of salvaged materials, timber and drawers.
the exhibition design had to work with existing display cabinets, wall and floor surfaces in the gallery whilst introducing a selection of classic domestic elements; bedroom mirrors, drawers, floorboards, crafts tools etc. a number of displays have been made including one with the 'Pearly Queen of Shoreditch' (c.1920s) classic buttoned outfit on loan from the Museum of London. seating and display areas from reclaimed floorboards & plywood hoardings, display cabinet console tables from antique and vintage domestic drawers with dining table and grand piano legs. very happy to have used some of the salvaged elements that i've been storing at the back of the warehouse for years.

Wednesday evening: Start at The Women's Library and then go onto the 'Gropes' Launch at Look Mum No Hands. then eat. done.

Exhibition photos coming soon...

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